Is Going Solar Right for You?

By Joseph Truini Jul 27, 2019

Generating electricity from the sun is getting cheaper…but is it right for your home?

As the price of electricity continues to rise, homeowners are looking for ways to cut energy costs without sacrificing comfort or convenience. And many cost-conscience homeowners are considering solar panels, which convert the sun’s energy into clean electricity.

Solar-powered systems have come a long way in the past decade or so. They’re much more powerful and sensitive, so they’ll work in virtually any region—not just the Sunbelt. The widespread availability and popularity of solar panels has also driven the price down, and when state and federal rebates are applied, the systems start entering the realm of affordability. Know the Basics How Solar Panels Work

But, how do you know if solar panels are right for your home? And what about those sales pitches that offer free solar systems?

There’s a lot to consider before making a decision. So, here’s some detailed information, including a list of the main benefits and drawbacks to solar panels. Hopefully this will help you make the smartest decision for your home and family.


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